
Property investment has become a privilege for the lucky few who can actually afford it. Superestate was born out of the need for all Australians missing out to get their piece of the property pie.

We’ve changed the game. Now you can take advantage of the money many of us forget we have (we’re talking about your super) and invest in something real, something we all care about and will actually impact our lives.

Property investment has become a privilege for the lucky few who can actually afford it. Superestate was born out of the need for all Australians missing out to get their piece of the property pie.

We’ve changed the game. Now you can take advantage of the money many of us forget we have (we’re talking about your super) and invest in something real, something we all care about and will actually impact our lives.

Property investment has become a privilege for the lucky few who can actually afford it. Superestate was born out of the need for all Australians missing out to get their piece of the property pie.

We’ve changed the game. Now you can take advantage of the money many of us forget we have (we’re talking about your super) and invest in something real, something we all care about and will actually impact our lives.

• Have a stake in every Superestate property

• Boost your super with rental income and property values

• Choose your own investment mix

• Optional life insurance

• Be invited to actually see where your super is going every time we invest in a new property

• Have a stake in every Superestate property

• Boost your super with rental income and property values

• Choose your own investment mix

• Optional life insurance

• Be invited to actually see where your super is going every time we invest in a new property

• Have a stake in every Superestate property

• Boost your super with rental income and property values

• Choose your own investment mix

• Optional life insurance

• Be invited to actually see where your super is going every time we invest in a new property

It’s up to you how much of your super will be invested in residential property, either 10%, 25% or 50%. Becoming a member gives you a stake in every Superestate property – sounds pretty impressive, huh? Read more about the investment breakdown here.

How investing works


It’s up to you how much of your super will be invested in residential property, either 10%, 25% or 50%. Becoming a member gives you a stake in every Superestate property – sounds pretty impressive, huh? Read more about the investment breakdown here.

