


About Superestate

Superestate is a super fund that lets you invest some of your super in real, residential investment properties.

In addition to investing your hard-earned super into residential properties, Superestate invests members super in a diversified mix of other investments such as Australian and International shares, global infrastructure, fixed interest and cash.

Residential property is an asset class that will always impact our financial well-being, whether you’re a renter, property owner or somewhere between.

We think it’s really important to be able to invest some of our super in real houses because the cost of property will impact everyone’s retirement.

Residential property has also outperformed our local stock market over the long-term and where prices will be in the next 10, 20, 30 years and beyond is anyone’s guess.

It is important to note that past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Our in-house Investment Committee, a panel of industry experts, analyse all aspects of every potential investment property. Our ultimate goal is to build a portfolio of high-quality properties for the long-term benefit of our members.

Our team take care of everything, from identifying growth areas, selecting individual properties, completing due diligence and actual purchasing of properties for the fund.

As we like to say; investing in property is less about timing the market than it is time in the market. This means we’re not so concerned about the short-term pricing movements and more focused on the long-term outlook.

Through your super you will have a stake in every Superestate investment property, in the same way you own the shares, cash in the other investments through your super investment mix.

You could think of it a bit like a hassle-free way to be a property investor and landlord. We take care of making the investments and looking after the properties while you get all the perks of rental income and property values going to your super balance.

This website contains general advice only. It doesn't take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should carefully consider these things and the Superestate Product Disclosure Statement, Reference Guide and Insurance Guide before making any decisions. You should not rely on any advice and/or information contained in this website and before making any investment decision we recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your situation and seek appropriate financial, taxation and legal advice. A copy of the PDS is available on this website or by contacting us.

No. Superestate is a retail super fund, there are none of the set-up requirements or costs associated with self-managed super funds.

Click here for the form with all your super details to forward to your boss. 

Joining Superestate is super easy.

Complete our online form in just a few simple steps or, if you'd prefer to speak to one of our team members, call us on 1300 519 800 and we can assist you.

When you join Superestate we'll also find your lost, active and inactive super, helping you to keep track of your hard-earned money. Get started now.

Yes. Our user-friendly website gives you full access to your account online, where you can check your balance, change your investment option, or update your personal details at any time.

No, you are not locked in to any contracts so you’re always in control - come and go as you please.

Superestate Investment Options

Superestate offers a choice of 3 investment options to help you reach your retirement goals: 

  • Growth Property 
  • Balanced Property 
  • Balanced Essentials 

Click here for more info on our investment options.

Within each investment option Superestate invests in a diverse portfolio across the following asset classes:

  • Residential Australian Property
  • Australian Equities
  • International Equities
  • Global Infrastructure
  • Fixed Income
  • Cash

About Superannuation

Superannuation is an Australian Government initiative designed to help Australians save for retirement. Your employer is required to contribute 9.5% of your annual wage towards the super fund of your choice.

This money must be paid into a complying super fund that meets the government's current investment and insurance regulations.

There are several reasons to keep all your Super in one fund.

If you have multiple accounts, you'll probably be paying multiple fees which may be eating away at your retirement savings.

Keeping your Super in one account may save you money. 

Your Super is one of the biggest investments you'll ever make. The Government has established the Superannuation system to encourage Australians to save for retirement and take responsibility for their future wellbeing.

By focusing on your Super today, you can more efficiently plan for your retirement.

Choosing a superfund

The Government has given freedom to most Australians to choose their own super fund. 

Once you've signed up with Superestate, we provide you with all the necessary paperwork to provide to your employer.

Once your employer has processed your new super fund details, you will receive regular contributions into your super account.

Advice and services

We can provide you with information about the Superestate Fund.

However, we recommend you should consider seeking appropriate financial advice regarding the suitability of the Superstate Fund before making any change to your financial circumstances . 
